The economical and environmental alternative

Superior efficiency – less waste

As with all lighting, the greatest impact on the environment is related to the energy used during its use. The large amount of light produced, compared to the energy consumed, makes LED solutions very efficient, this is particular important when the electricity used to power then comes from sources that are not environmentally optimised, such as coal.  

However, the environmental impact of an LED luminaire in terms of energy efficiency and life span is always dependent on how the luminaire is designed and what context it is intended to be used in. Thus, it is important to do calculations on each individual project and not blindly trust laboratory tests.



Comparison energy consumption
T5 vs. LED luminaire.







Outside of standard cleaning, LED luminaires are pretty much maintenance free throughout their lifecycle. As such, larger organisations can save considerable amounts by not having to keep stock of equipment and associated man-power in replacing the light sources.

Equipped for mechanical stress

LEDs do not contain any moving or fragile parts. Therefore, a properly designed LED luminaire is well-equipped to handle vibrations and other mechanical stress.