A sustainable learning environment

  • Year: 2018
  • Location: Lidköping
  • Architect: Link Arkitektur
  • Photo: Johan Alfredsson

Newly constructed Majåkerskolan in Lidköping, Sweden, hosts pupils from age 6-12 under one roof. It has been designed to meet the pedagogical needs of the future, and to have a sustainable approach to both education and environment.

The school is designed with stimulating materials and a flexible floor plan. The school building forms three courtyards, all with different characters, and inviting outdoor environments for play, education and recovery. The new school is built to be able to host 300 pupils, and 50 staff.

The interior decoration consists of flexible learning modules, which can be adjusted when the educational tasks changes or when the groups vary in size. Digital tools and modern technology is an obvious part of the pupils learning process, and the classrooms must also be adjustable to incorporate this new technology. The idea was to have a calm indoor environment, with soft colours and a wall-to-wall carpet, and the possibility to alter the lighting.

“Our ambition with Majåkerskolan has been to create a contemporary school where we educate and train pupils for a sustainable future – both for the indivual and for society. The school is designed with our environmental and sustainability work in focus."

Camilla Johansson, Head of Majåkerskolan


Markus Bolin

Regionchef Team Öst och Norr

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